Alerting the world to the mysteries and dangers of Coronal Mass Ejections

CME caused auroras hit Minnesota

February 20th, 2014 | Posted by Dr.Carrington Reid in Events

The plasma wave from the coronal mass ejection grazed the Earth yesterday, its effects were more seen than felt.

Video from Saint Cloud MN, show the beauty of the Northern lights from this most recent moderate G2 geomagnetic storm.

A Minnesota owl illuminated by the light of an aurora (Photo Douglas Kiesling)

A Minnesota owl illuminated by the light of an aurora (Photo Douglas Kiesling)

These images offer us a reminder of the “what ifs” that should guide each of us and our governments in preparation (see our other post about government agency discussion about power grid assessments and protections):  What if the storm were bigger?  What if the bulk f the wave of plasma hit the Earth, rather than just grazed it?

The CMERI have been very open about what we believe the answers to these “what ifs” are: As our founder Dr. Reid has said, Any day now we will be hit with a solar storm that will return us back to the Stone Age!”.

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